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Greenhouse Effects


Art.Nr. 660

€ 199,00

€ 129,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Greenhouse Effects Nobrainer

Nobrainer Die alte Version zum Sonderpreis !! Four Knobs for extreme tonal diversity. The Nobrainer is a multi-functional rock and metal war machine that will please your need for distortion. A wide range of gain is at your hand. from thick British crunch through 80"s hot roded tube amp sounds into total metal mayhem. two interactive tone controls (Tone & Mid) gives this pedal endless distortion flavors and sweet spots. use them in conjunction and tune in your sound. you can also switch them off by turning the tone knob all the way down and using the Mid knob as a standard passive tone control this gives you a more open distortion with lots of headroom,that can boost the gain of a dirty amp without overpowering it. Features: -Carefully voiced to fit most hard rock to metal styles -Extreme tonal versatility with minimum knobs -Bass frequencies remain tight all over the tonal spectrum (excellent for palm-muting) -Good gain to noise ratio -True Bypass Benötigt: 9VDC 100mA Center Negativ

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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