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Switchblade Users

Dave Matthews (Dave Matthews Band) The DMB is in the middle of yet another full year of touring across the entire mid and eastern US. Who knows how they do it, but it's a testimony to the ruggedness of the gear they use. Dave chose the Switchblade GL to handle all of his instruments on stage and we couldn't be happier that he did. Watch for the new album Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King, slated to be released on June 2, 2009.
John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) The legendary Led Zeppelin bassist is busy working on his fifth solo album but somehow finds time to involve himself in a wide variety of other projects. He just finished performing with and producing Sara Watkins new album and has been working with Sonic Youth to create and perform an original score for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Oh how I wish he'd put back together that power Zooma trio. Live! Wow! John has been using the Switchblades in his rig for many years now for selecting and mixing his wide array of musical instruments and effects. Find out more at
Chris Squire (Yes) Ah, we love these bassmen! The legendary Yes bassist uses a Switchblade in his stage rig. You can see for yourself in the picture of his rack in the "Equipment" section of his site under the "Amplification" link. It's fifth effect from the top.
Robert Fripp (King Crimson) The man... the legend... the soul of King Crimson. Robert uses several Switchblade GL systems in his US and European stage racks. Need we say more? Visit for more on this genius musician.
Trey Gunn (King Crimson) King Crimson's heralded Stick player. Trey used one of our earlier switching systems, the MC-8, then later bought a Switchblade 16 when it became available which he has been using ever since. I saw King Crimson perform in Denver and never in my life have I experienced such a complex force of pure musicianship. Many thanks to Trey for his contributions to the product design of the Switchblade. Check out his killer web site at
Dweezil Zappa Check out those pants! Dweezil created the massive Zappa Does Zappa tour about 3 years ago and continues with this tour as I write as a never ending tribute to his father's music. Recreating Frank's sound and music with utmost attention to detail has been Dweezil's goal and dream from the start and he uses Switchblade GL systems to integrate all of his father's original gear to do just that. I was lucky enough to catch his show in SF and Portland and was just astounded. Catch more at
Radiohead Radiohead has just finished up the first leg of their world tour which will wrap up in August after a short hiatus. This group uses many Switchblade GL units and we're not sure who in the group is using what, but maybe they like to share. We caught some footage of their studio racks and Switchblades in the VH1 documentary about this mysterious and creative band.
Colin Meloy (The Decemberists) Capital Records artists The Decemberists have embarked on an extented tour and Colin Meloy, frontman and the groups key songwriter, has made the Switchblade GL a part of his touring rig to handle the wide variety of sounds required to re-create songs from their lyrically and musically brilliant new release "The Hazards of Love". Check touring dates at
John Czajkowski (Hectic Watermelon) I love it when I come across new music that is wholly new and creative but possesses elements of the finest musicians of the past that I have always loved. Hectic Watermelon creates such music. Heavily influenced by Mahavishnu Orchestra, but reaching places they never got to, HW takes me to vast new places. John is a serious sonic technician and musician and does things with his Switchblade GL I'm sure no one else even thinks of trying. Their most recent release "The Great American Road Trip" features Mahavishnu power violinist Jerry Goodman and is simply a masterpiece. More at
Jerry McPherson Jerry McPherson of Nashville is without a doubt one of the most sought after session guitarists anywhere. His list of credits would take you hours to read. Having recorded with Amy Grant, Reba McEntire, Curtis Mayfield, and more this insightful, intuitive, super talented guitar player is an icon in the business. Recording Magazine selected him as one of the two top session guitarists in the country and we're very pleased to hear Jerry depends on his Switchblade GL for everything he does. Read about his philosophies and his rack system: Part1, Part2, and Part3.
Walter Becker (Steely Dan) Steely Dan toured in 2003 and their Denver show was one of the most amazing shows I've ever seen. The sound was perfect from the first note and the performance was beyond belief. Walter used a HeadTrip for the entire tour to switch between his stage amps to get his flawless sound. You can see his HeadTrip in action (check out the upper right picture and look just below Walter's music stand in these concert photos) and be sure to visit for more on the band.
Paul Crook (Anthrax) You may know Paul from his work with Anthrax, but this talented multi-faceted guitarist just finished up The "We Will Rock You" tribute show playing with Meatloaf and Brian May. Meatloaf is now currently touring throughout Europe. Be sure to catch them live. You can see his Switchblade GL and read about everything this busy guitar player is doing at:
Roger Hodgson (Supertramp) The renowned singer for the timeless supergroup Supertramp uses a Switchblade. You can catch Roger's next appearance on November 30, 2005 in London. More on Roger at
Mikail Graham Mikail is best known for his guitar playing with Roger Hodgson's Rites of Passage project. Mikail uses the Switchblade and can be found saying some very interesting things on his radio show.
Don "Buck Dharma" Roeser (Blue Oyster Cult) The master guitarist behind Blue Oyster Cult. I have been a huge fan of BOC and especially of Buck's neural shattering guitar work ever since a friend turned me on to the first BOC album over 20 years ago. I considered it a great honor when Buck chose to use our MC-8 switching system as his system of choice several years ago in his touring rig. He later upgraded to a Switchblade 16. Look up their website and see this band!
Chris Wolstenhome (Muse) The fierce and intense sound of Muse Bass player Chris Wolstenhome is a product of his remarkable talent, but we are glad to see that he also depends on his Switchblade GL to help him out. You can see it here:
Steve Rothery (Marillion) Marillion have never been as big in the US as they are in Europe, where they are as huge as the universe. Only after I saw them live in Denver did I realize what a void there had been in my musical perspective. Steve used the MC-8 for many years and became one of the first Switchblade owners.
That 1 Guy There is no artist quite like Mike Silverman a.k.a. That 1 Guy. This extraordinary "must see" hi-energy performer has created an instrument that you have to see (and hear) to believe. When he plays, the whole place gets up and dances. Mike uses a Switchblade GL to integrate all of the multiple sounds created by his amazing invention. Learn more at:
Ethan Brosh Imagine Vai, Satriani, J.S.Bach, Sabbath, and DiMiola all coming together in a single mind and you have Ethan Brosh. This artist doesn't play games and has his craft down to that of a precision watchmaker. His newest release "Out of Oblivion" reflects all of this. This powerful production is nirvanic and I've found myself not knowing where I am when listening to it. One needs to listen to this with caution. Ethan uses the Switchblade GL.
Guitarist Faisal Moro ... has this to say about his Switchblade GL. "The first impression is absolutely positive...Really unbelievable. Sound is now clear, defined, in-phase, and can be controlled in real time. Quality is fantastic. Great great great!" Thanks Faisal for the kind words.
Bruce Odland and Sam Auinger This duo use the Switchblade for their large scale public sound art installations in Vienna, Berlin, Nice, Benaris, India, Linz, Zurich, and New York. Says Odland "For creating multi-speaker output arrays from mountaintops, temples, clubs and plazas nothing matches the compact size, programmability, and flexibility of the Switchblade". Thanks Bruce!
The Tea Party The Tea Party, led by the Ontario-born Jeff Martin, use the Switchblade to make sure their gear is as well put together as their music, a unique hybrid of rock, industrial, Middle Eastern, Celtic, and Mediterranean music. Check out their cool web site at
Bruce Somers (Kidneythieves) Bruce is a power GL user and was the reason we had to go to 125 presets on the Switchblade GL. Who wants to make that many presets? Who uses that many presets? Well, we think Bruce is great cause he loves his GL and all 125 of his presets. Check out their latest project at

The Gigrig Users

Brett Garsed

When I first heard Brett play with John Farnham it was a life changing experience. His playing on the Whispering Jack album is still some of my favourite guitar playing. We were designing the WetBox when Brett got in touch with a problem with using his pedals in his amp's effects loop. I have just the thing I thought, and send him a pre-production WetBox. "Thanks to the Gig Rig all my fx loop problems are solved!"

Wayne Krantz

If you've never heard Wayne Krantz play, you need to rectify the situation immediately! Wayne is a truly gifted musician and combines a wonderful sense of beautiful, at times complex but never inaccessible melody with a seemingly boundless technique and incredible sense of harmony. Wayne is using TheGigRig HumDinger to drive is two amp rig.

Kurt Rosenwinkel

Kurt Rosenwinkel is widely regarded as the most influential Jazz guitarist in the last decade. I have been a fan of Kurt's music for a little over a year and was at a clinic where Robben Ford described him as the best guitarist he's heard in a long time. The man is, quite simply, astounding. Here's what Kurt had to say about TheGigRig gear he's been using on his recent US tour. "Hi Daniel, so I wanted to give you a report from my three gigs with the gigrig stuff, in a word, awesome! My tone is better than it's ever been, truly, and I attribute much of that to the quality of 1. The power, 2. The Quartermaster, 3. The Wetboxes, and 4. The Z-Cable, which is just absolutely amazing! I mean it is really having an incredibly positive effect on the sound and feel of the guitar, a real breakthrough right there. The tonal sculpting it provides give me something I have been looking for for a long time - being able to affect how the guitar responds so I am really thrilled and I so appreciate all you have done to make this happen for me."

Larry Carlton

Truly a guitarist that needs no introduction, the man is legendary, as is his tone. We had the privilege of configuring the power for Larry's European touring pedalboard which the great man is over the moon with. If you need proffesional power for a touring pedalboard, then you really need to check out our modular power system.

Jeff Beck

Undoubtedly one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Jeff uses 3 Loopy2\'s to enable him to switch in his effects and to ensure his tone is kept intact when the effects are bypassed. Check out the pic of Jeff in April\'s edition of MOJO magazine where you can see his Loopy2\'s. Click on the pic of Jeff to see an amazing photo by Ross Halfin of the man in action.
Paul Stacey - Oasis, Finn Brothers, Black Crowes Paul is one of my favourite guitarists ever. It wouldn't be exaggerating to say that his performances at the 606 club in London have fundamentally changed the way I think about guitar. He was one of our first clients and has recently toured with the Black Crowes using his new black MIDI-8 and wer'e honoured to have him on board.
Rob Harris - Jamiroquai "The Pro 14 has truly improved my tone. I can finally use all of the cool stomp boxes I want without my guitar sounding tiny at the end of the chain. My effects now sound full rather than watered down and washy. Also using the programmable patching switches my rig is now much more versatile. An incredible system."
Paul Turner - Jamiroquai, Annie Lennox "As a long time fan of old pedals I had a true bypass strip from another company and thought I'd done as much as possible. When it needed a service, I compared The Gig Rig I was honestly shocked. The quality of signal is SO much cleaner and compares to bass > amp direct. Being able to match levels of my old favourites with trim pots is the lick, especially for live use and it's great to have this in the studio too. Dan and the guys at The Gig Rig know their stuff and I can't imagine anyone else coming close."
Martin Waugh - Lilly Allen, Mika When you play guitar for the hotest artist in the UK you need your gear to be the best. Here's what Martin had to say about his unit of choice, TheGigRig MIDI-8. "For a box that doesn't give you any sounds it's by far the best investment any amateur or pro working muso can make to operate all your pedals... with one stomp AND it doesn't mess with your tone!"
Ivor Sims - Lucky Soul The Midi-8 really has changed my gigging life. Before when trying to go from a "rhythm sound" to an full blow solo with overdrive, boost, delay etc it was an epic tap-dance to try and fit it all into 2 beats! The GigRig has simplified this into a one touch setup when all of my sounds are just one tap away and the best bit is that when I don't need the effects they are taken completely out of the signal chain; its just guitar-cable-amp.
Donny Little - Paolo Nutini Donny plays guitar for the incredibly talented Paolo Nutini. He uses a MIDI-8 which is now central to his rig. "I used to avoid using effects live because it messed with the tone I loved, now I can use the effects I want without compromise. If you value real guitar tone you need one of these" click on Donny's pic to see him tearing it up with Paolo Nutini
Danny Jones - McFly As the front man for McFly, the last thing Danny Jones needs to worry about is the dreaded tap dance and 'tone sucking' from chained effects, so he uses The Gig Rig MIDI-8. "Legendary pedal, makes everything alot easier. Solves all the tap dancing and is definitely worth every penny.The tone of the Badcats shine through. Loving your work!"
Stephen Dale Petit "OK here's the deal. Daniel Steinhardt is a sonic genius. The Gig Rig set up he designed for me is innovative, easy to use and adaptable to any tweaks I need. Daniel has an encyclopedic and exhaustive knowledge of effects pedals and how they behave, and a players feel for what works on stage. He's a true professional who will leave no stone unturned to get you the best possible sound. The guitar-to-amp tone I get is always pure with The Gig Rig. The result is that I am inspired on a nightly basis to push my performances to new levels, and to explore textures & sounds that I would never have had access to without The Gig Rig. It's a guitarists dream."
Steven Wilson - Porcupine Tree Steven Wilson is the musical force behind 'Porcupine Tree'. "The Gigrig Midi-8 solved all my patching problems in a second. Sonically superior, this is an unbelievably flexible switching system that lets me integrate classic and contemporary guitar technology without sacrificing convenience or quality."
John Wesley - Porcupine Tree "The GigRig has become an essential part of all aspects of my performing and recording set up. The Pro 14 performed so well live that I decided to use it for the recording of the "Fear of a Blank Planet" guitar sessions. It was used on all the guitar tracks we recorded for that album and was so vital, that I eventually added a MIDI 8 permanently to our studio, and then added a second MIDI 8 to my home studio where I record all of my guitar tracks. A Pro 14 for my touring rig, two MIDI 8s for session work. I think that pretty much says it all."
Brendan Mowat-Smith Brendan Mowat-Smith is fast establishing himself as a guitarist to be reckoned within the Canadian music scene . With a firm background in both taste and tone, Brendan's musical pyrotechnics have gained him national acclaim. "The Gigrig is truly brilliant, in both function and aesthetics. The combination of effects routing, drive-stacking, and amplifier configurations one can achieve with it are limited only to one's creative explorations. The possibilities are truly endless with this beast!"
Stu G - Delirious Stu G is the guitarist from the fantastic Christian band 'Delirious'. He has been using TheGigRig products for the last 18 months and uses a Pro-14 switching system to ensure the best possible tone from his live and studio rig. Click on his pic to go stright to his website and get the skinny on his gear.
Duncan Lloyd - Maximo Park Duncan uses a MIDI-8 in his live rig to ensure he gets the best tone possible from his pedals and two amps. "The MIDI-8 is great and is now an essential part of my set-up when i'm on tour"
Neil Murray - We Will Rock You Neil has recorded and toured as a member of Whitesnake, Black Sabbath, The Brian May Band, Gary Moore, and Peter Green Splinter Group, and worked with musicians such as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Sting, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Paul Rodgers, just to mention a few. For the last 5 years Neil has been bassist in the very successful Queen musical We Will Rock You in London. "I'm Using a Loopy-2 to bypass 2 pedals, both high quality makes , from my signal chain when not required, and the improvement to the signal is immediatley obvious. Much fuller. I have no hesitation in recomending it."
Phil Hilborne - We Will Rock You Phil is known as the hardest working guitarist in the UK today. Check out the 'TONE ZONE' of the April edition of Guitar Buyer where he talks about his pedal board featuring TheGigRig Pro-14. "TheGigRig has finally allowed me to stop 'tap dancing' whenever I want to change more than one effect at a time - plus it's amp, midi and channel switching are all great! - nice one!"
Hershel Yatovitz - Chris Isaak Hershel Yatovitz - Chris Isaak "The Gig Rig has lifted up my live sound and performances. The clearer tone has taken me to a new height of satisfaction from my touring rig. Easy to program and adjust on the fly, and no need for a mess of stomp boxes on shelves in a rack. Less tap-dancing and more music! "
Mark Johns - Ray Davies Mark Johns is one of the most amazing guitarists you will ever see. His command of the instrument is staggering. He has been a Pro-14 user for over 3 years which he uses for sesions and touring with artists such as Ray Davies (The Kinks) and Natasha Bedingfield.
Matt Prior - Bonnie Tyler "Took The Gig Rig with me on tour recently and is fantastic, It keeps the clarity and tone exactly as it should be and has made a big difference to my rig, probably more than any other single purchase!"
Steve Rothery - Marillion Steve Rothery - Marillion Marillion guitarist Steve Rothery knows great tone. That's why he uses TheGigRig Pro-14 to make sure he gets the best out of his gear. You can't argue with albumn sales over 20 million now can you?
Dave Gregory - XTC, Big Big Train, Tin Spirits Dave Gregory from XTC is my favourite guitarist on the planet. His incredible playing and ability to orchestrate unique parts has influenced a generation of musicians including Graham Coxon (Blur) and Johny Greenwood (Radiohead). The XTC albumns 'English Settlement' and 'Skylarking' are essential listening for any guitarist with a flare for creative genius. Dave uses TheGigRig MIDI-8 to seemlessly control his pedals and his amazing Matchless C30. See Dave in his new band 'Tin Spirits'.
Luke Potashnic - Katie Melua "The Pro 14 has never let me down... Whether on stage or in the studio, it brings the best out of my stompers. It sounds great and is built to last. What's more, its so easy to program; you can have an entirely different set of patches at your feet from one session to the next. Is there anything this thing can't do?!? Many thanks guys..."
Luca Campaner - Natasha Bedingfield Luca Campaner has fast become one of the first call guitarists in London. As one of our first MIDI-8 users, he has used his unit on tour with Lee Ryan (Blue), X-Factor band, Roachford and now Natasha Bedingfield.
Prashant Aswani Prashant Aswani is one of the great virtuoso guitarists in the world today. He uses TheGigRig Pro-14 to get the absolute best from his gear. Click on the pic to check out his pedal board. "I have recently acquired TheGigRig. It is unlike any other switching system I have ever used. I call it the "solution system"! All my problems with using multiple pedals and amps are solved."
Matt Backer - Julian Lennon Matt Backer - Julian Lennon Matt has played with some of the biggest names in the business. He has a tone and feel beyond the reach of most mere mortals. He has been using a Pro-14 for 2 years with such artists as Tony Hadley (Spandau Ballet), ABC, Paul Young and Julian Lennon.
Jim Homes - Jackson Analogue Jim is the brilliant guitarist from 'Jackson Analogue'." For years all of my vintage and handmade pedals were confined to the studio, their lack of stability causing too many problems live. The Gig Rig Pro-14 changed all that. I can now balance up and use all my pedals without any loss of tone what so ever. "
James Sims James is one of the top sesion and performing bass players on the London Scene today. A large part of his sound relies on use of multiple effects and has employed TheGigRig Pro-14 for nearly 3 years now to ensure the best tone possible from his gear.
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