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 Yankee PS-M2
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Yankee Power Supplies

Yankee PS-M2

Art.Nr. 567

€ 269,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Yankee Power Supplies Yankee PS-M2

Yankee PS-M2 Ruf an - dann erkläre ich dir die Funktionen !! 0681-5898564 PS-M12 is a professional guitar effects power supply with the ability to power virtually every guitar effect available on the market. It is unquestionably the most electronicaly advanced power supply. Manufactured in Poland by experienced specialists, PS-MO is a combination of proffesional electronic solutions, brilliant design and affordable price. PS-M2 offers 17 outputs split into five separate power sections. Sections one and two can power up to ten effects (five per section). Each section outputs 1200 mA. Section three has 2 SAG-type outputs. Each output"s power can be manually set and fine-tuned. This section is designed for effects in which the reduced voltage alters the sound output (similar to a battery close to dying out), such as analog overdrive pedals. Section four has two outputs. Each of them can be manually set to output either 12V DC, 18V DC or 24V DC with maximum voltage of 600 mA. Section five is made of two AC outputs (9V AC and 12V AC). Only one output can be used at a time. The section outputs 2000 mA. An addtional USB output (5V) can power an USB lamp (very useful on dark stages) or any USBpowered device, such as portable media players. The design is based on a toroidal transformer which produces high-quality output voltage and reduces interferences. Our power supply also features a voltage regulator (compensating for the fluctuations in the electric current entering the unit), a very efficient voltage filter, overvoltage protection (shielding the unit from short circuits when a plug gets in contact with the housing) and overheat protection system (limiting the power when the unit reaches or exceeds the temperature limit). All the elements are assembled together in a sturdy, metal housing. PS-M2 can be easily attached to a pedalboard with mounts, designed for that purpose. Outputs: 5 isolated sections: – I. 5 x 9VDC – 1200 mA – II. 5 x 9VDC – 1200 mA – III.2 x 12VDC or 18VDC or 24VDC – 600mA – IV. 1 x 9V AC, 1 x 12V AC, 1x 14V AC – 2000mA – V. 2 x SAG adjustable 5-10V – USB output Yankee Ps-M2 comes with: – 5 x 0,5m standard cable (5,5x2,1mm) – 5 x 0,25m standard cable (5,5x2,1mm) – 2 x 0,5m cable (5,5x2,5mm) – 1 x battery cable – 2 x mini-jack cable – USB Lamp Dimensions: – 55/134/102mm (height/width/depth) – weight: 1,5kg User Manual

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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