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 Vanilla Sky OD
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MLC Mark L Custom

Vanilla Sky OD

Art.Nr. 421

€ 199,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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MLC Mark L Custom Vanilla Sky OD

Vanilla Sky -Handcrafted by passionate professionals for musicians. -Include highest-quality components e.g. NEUTRIK, SWITCHKRAFT, HAMMOND. -Everything is built inside a sturdy powder coated aluminum chassis, to withstand stage wear and tear. -100% analog signal line, creating a warm and rich tone. -TRUE BYPASS for extreme tone clarity. MARK L VANILLA SKY OVERDRIVE The idea behind this pedal, was to create an effect which would retain its dynamics and allow the guitar’s individual tone to shine through even at the highest GAIN settings. A completely analog signal line helps achieve a rich and organic sound. The circuit is based on an OPA BURR BROWN amplifier which allows serious amounts of sustain and at the same time ensures a high level of dynamics and a low amount of hum. CONTROL: Level Out: Volume control White Color: Treble EQ control Blue Color: Bass EQ control Level Drive: Gain control TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION: Power In:Power supply 9VDC/100mA, Plug 2,1 mm x 5,5 mm or battery 6LR61 9V Operational temperature:-15C / +50 oC Height:27 mm Width:112 mm Length:60 mm Weight:0,5 kg / 1 pounds User Manual

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