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Beetronics FX


Art.Nr. 3980

€ 365,00

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Beetronics FX WANNABEE

WANNABEE BEELATERAL BUZZ - Dual Overdrive Ever loved something so much you wanted to "bee-come" it? While our circuits are primarily original, our bees had classic favorites they "Wannabee-d," so we embraced these buzzing wonders as our own hive of inspiration, infusing a generous dose of honeyed innovation to craft the ultimate dual overdrive. The WANNABEE "BEELATERAL BUZZ" is a dual-drive pedal like no other. It combines two classic circuits, each offering three distinct FLAVORS, and lets you weave them together however you like. You can run them side by side or have one flow into the other, unlocking a world of tonal possibilities, as sweet as a jar of honey. Circuit #0, our hive's Bluesbreaker-inspired creation, harmonizes vintage amp tones with crystal-clear crispness, all while preserving that beloved tube-like warmth. Plus, its three flavors give you control over the low-end oomph. Circuit #1 is our hive's take on the legendary Klon. All those iconic transparent overdrive tones are here, with a sweet honey twist. Unlike any other Klon, our Circuit #1 offers a unique trio of flavors that grant you control over your clean blend level. This pedal's core houses a truly exceptional Routing System, crafted by our expert bees. It's your gateway to exploring unique tones. What makes it stand out is that it lets you not only choose the order of the circuits but also blend them in parallel, something other dual-drive pedals can't do. In the center position, you can use the volume controls to mix both circuits in parallel. And with the footswitch, you're in charge of when each circuit kicks in. Flick it to the right, and Circuit #0 flows into Circuit #1; shift left, and Circuit #1 flows into Circuit #0. When chaining one circuit into another, simply crank up the volume on the first to push the second into a thrilling buzz of distortion. The WANNABEE draws inspiration from our favorite overdrive circuits and then elevates them to a whole new level, enhancing its tone with a touch of honey and introducing innovative features. It unlocks a world of possibilities by blending both circuits in the most unique ways. We hope this can be your ultimate overdrive tool to help you truly BEE YOURSELF. Specifications: -Dimensions 5.5" x 4" x 2.5" (including knobs, switches and etc) -Weight - 1.1 lbs / 0.5 kg -Package Size - 6" x 5.25" x 3" Benötigt: 9VDC 50mA Center Negativ

Preise inkl. der gesetzlichen MwSt. Satzfehler und Irrtümer vorbehalten. Lieferung von Ware am Lager solange Vorrat reicht. Preise in Euro zzgl. Versandkosten. © Frank Post, Bruchwiesenstrasse 25, D-66111 Saarbrücken, Telefon 0049(0)681-5898564, Email info AT loopersparadise de

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