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Echo Fix


Art.Nr. 3915

€ 295,00

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Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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Echo Fix EF-P3

Echo Fix EF-P3 Chorus Vibrato The Echo Fix EF-P3 Chorus Vibrato pedal is an analog BBD Chorus pedal with a rich and extended feature set. Designed to be the ultimate chorus pedal, each control has been extended in range for sonic flexibility. From subtle pitch glides to fast Leslie-style wobbles, the wide range of controls makes this pedal extremely versatile and creative. Features: -Rate Control -Depth Control -Resonance Control -Wave Shape Control -LED Rate Indicator -LED Overload Indicator -Direct Mute Footswitch for Vibrato mode -Soft momentary switching for noiseless Bypass and Direct Mute switching -Increased internal power supply voltage rails for increased dynamic range Specifications: -Input Impedance - 1MΩ -Output Impedance - 1KΩ -Dimensions - 100mm x 130mm x 60mm (3.93" x 5.11" x 2.36") Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9VDC 200mA Center Negativ

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