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 Le Prism
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Cicognani Engineering

Le Prism

Art.Nr. 3905

€ 599,00

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Cicognani Engineering Le Prism

Le Prism Four Heads Stereo Echo With this new product we wanted to tell the history and sounds of the legendary old Italian Echo. Our experience of many years of work providing technical assistance to the “much loved vintage units”, has allowed us to acquire a unique background. LE PRISM is equipped with most complete functions, the best musical carpets and ease of use in compact dimensions, with no periodic maintenance. The precious advice of Jonathan Wilson, Jon Carin and Giampaolo Noto supported us to give our best, taking care of every single detail to create our best Italian Echo ever. LE PRISM wants to be the way to celebrate our 30th anniversary. LE PRISM is a “creative” machine designed for the recording studio and live performances that integrates the history of analog sounds of those old models of “Italian Echo” ranging from Model 1 up to PE603 stereo unit. Offers 4 delay times + 4 selectable feedbacks, summable and adjustable as desired. The 4 delay times are synchronized exactly like the old vintage units with delays of: 78 – 156 – 234 – 312mS. ATTENTION! The peak current of the tube in the preheating can exceed 1A (1000mA). The HISTORY SERIES is equipped with an internal voltage doubler circuit. For this reason it’s necessary to use a stabilized power supply capable of guaranteeing a maximum working voltage of 12VDC with 500mA continuous. VARISPEED Through the "VARISPEED" we can increase the delay times up to 700mS, maintaining the "heads" perfectly synchronized with limited signal distortions. This control has been evolved to select the delay times of the most historic Italian echoes including MODEL1, T7E, PE603, leaving a large adjustment space that allows you to be able to achieve the maximum delay characteristics of this unit. This major flexibility, it allows us to be able to use those fantastic sounds of the past even today satisfying even those requests of the ever more demanding musicians and recording studios. The 4 feedbacks (BACK) come from the delay times of the 4 single heads and thanks to the various combinations it's possible to obtain better psychedelic sounds and different types of musical carpets. MONO TO STEREO ANALOG CONVERTER We have introduced a new concept of STEREO inspired by the past; It's designed with a new Mono to Stereo Analog Converter circuit in full 60s/70s style. LE PRISM is a mono unit which simulate not only the stereophony but make it "alive" thanks to the sensitivity of the "touch of your hand" or in combination with other devices following the dynamics of the signal. The two output channels, thanks to this genius, come affected by an opposing phase shift of the signal which generetes a unique musical effect, lively and really "simul stereo". Going back to the history, some musicians since the late 1960s explored some conditions to simulate the stereo sound in different ways. Among the best known settings, in the early 70s, I remember the DG style double stack, which provided a double mono signal sent to two amplifiers with the addition of one, or more, modulation effects device on only one of the two signals (typically the left). MAGIC OF AGE AND SELECTOR It couldn't miss the "MAGIC OF AGE" modulation control that it always has featured in all of our Echoes and simulating the mechanical fluctuation often present in the old Italian Echo unit. We created a data archive by testing and measuring a few different ones Echoes and subsequently calibrated our unit on the average of the detected fluctuations. This has generated a particular and unique modulation effect that changing with the delay time. The "SELECTOR" control allow you to select three different modes: -ECHO (single repetition) -REP. (multiple repetitions) -SWELL (4 delay times in parallel + 4 feedback know has slapback delay) Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 12VDC 500mA Center Negativ

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