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 Blues Power
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King Tone

Blues Power

Art.Nr. 3103

€ 425,00

inkl. ges. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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King Tone Blues Power

Blues Power The Blues Power produces a full range, stunning, smooth boost/overdrive with responsive bass and treble controls, wide range drive control, internal switches for middle frequency adjustments, and a volume control with enough output to drive even the most stubborn tube amp. The Blues Power is capable of boosting or overdriving the full frequency range, making it ideal for lifting the volume of fuzz pedals which can sound thin when boosting with other overdrives. Go from glassy, tube amp like overdrives to dark and powerful lead tones. This pedal is the perfect teammate with the Duellist Overdrive. Beautifully made inside and out. -Full Range Boost/Overdrive with Sophisticated Tone Controls -Unique Glass-Stock-Edge Switch Allows For Powerful Pre-Overdrive Tone Adjustment -Internal Dip Switches for Middle Tone Sculpting -Carefully Tuned and Responsive Bass and Treble Controls -Wide Range Drive Control, Go From Clean Boost to Warm or Glassy Overdrive -High Output For Driving Tubes Amps -No Loss of Low Frequencies, Making it Ideal for Boosting Fuzz Pedals -A Perfect Compliment to the Duellist Dual Overdrive -Three Blue/Aqua LEDs clearly show when the pedal is engaged or bypassed. -DC Jack or Battery Powered -Immaculately Hand Wired Benötigt 9-18VDC 100mA Center Negativ

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