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Hamstead Soundworks


Art.Nr. 2987

€ 249,00

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Hamstead Soundworks Signature

Signature Analogue Tremolo Tremolo is one of the earliest effects to be applied to the electric guitar, and its timeless quality has ensured its popularity across many genres throughout the years. Signature Analogue Tremolo is our take on this classic effect, created with the refined analogue engineering that Hamstead Soundworks is known for. The MkII Signature Tremolo takes our Signature ‘Sinewave’ circuit straight out of the Artist +RT series amplifiers and packages it into a pedalboard-friendly format. This is coupled with two additional tremolo modes, and the features of Wave Shaping, and expression & speed control pedal support. Our Signature ‘Sinewave’ mode is a true sinusoidal waveform for the cleanest, smoothest and most musical sounding tremolo. Switch to ‘Classic’ mode for a more vintage feel, replicating the familiar tremolo sounds found in vintage amplifiers and thousands of seminal records from the 1950s to the present day. The MkII model adds ‘Triangle’ mode which is far more natural sounding than the angular name suggests, and is particularly useful when used with the Shape control. The Shape control is another new feature for the MkII and allows the ability to tilt any of the waveforms to the left or right. In Triangle mode this can create both up and down sawtooth waveforms for more modern tremolo effects, and can really accentuate the thump of output bias style tremolo in Classic mode. -Signature Sinewave Tremolo -Triangle Waveform -Expression & Speed Control Pedal Support -Classic "Output Bias" Tremolo -Shape Control & Sawtooth Waveforms -10dB of Clean Boost Additional Features: -With speeds ranging from 0.4 to 15Hz controllable either by the Speed control, external expression pedal, or high/low speed remote, this pedal offers superb versatility and playability. -The Depth control sets the level of the effect from subtle modulation movement that you’ll never want to turn off, through to aggressive side-chain style pumping volume. -The feature set is rounded off by a Gain control that can provide a boost of up to 10dB to really accentuate the tremolo effect or even push the front end of an amplifier. All of the waveform modes have the same internal compensation against perceived volume loss as the Artist series amplifiers, allowing you to use the Gain simply as a boost if desired. -An all-analogue design by Peter Hamstead. -Signature Analogue Tremolo features an optical OptoKick footswitch from our friends at TheGigRig, for silent and reliable switching. Specification: -All-analogue design (including waveform creation) -Dimensions: 70w x 130d x 65h mm (inc. hardware) -Weight: 550g / 1.2lbs -Power Requirement: DC (centre negative) - 9VDC 450mA or 12VDC 250mA or 18VDC 180mA -Input Impedance: 500K Ohms -Output Impedance: < 300 Ohms -Designed and built in Great Britain User Manual

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