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 Jonassus Drive
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GFI System

Jonassus Drive

Art.Nr. 2562

€ 285,00

inkl. ges. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Versand Inland (Germany) € 5,90
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GFI System Jonassus Drive

Jonassus Drive Jonassus drive is a dual-channel overdrive pedal offering a sweet, warm, and articulate low-gain overdrive (“Low Channel”) plus a thick and ballsy medium-high gain overdrive (“High Channel”) . Each channel has its own Volume and Gain control, a shared Tone control, and an independent set of clipping mode options : Diode / Asymmetric - more compression and bites. Diode / Symmetric - less compression, smooth, balanced. LED / Symmetric - wide opened, warm. A multicolor LED identifies which clipping option is selected. Left footswitch : bypasses/engages the pedal Right footswitch : selects which Volume/Gain/Clipping (V.G.C) control set is activated, the left-side or the right-side. The left-side and right-side V.G.C controls are not permanently mapped to any channel. The DIP switch (at the back of the pedal) setting gives you three different ways of mapping the V.G.C control to the low-gain and the high-gain channel. The range of gain available on both the low channel and the high channel is fairly wide, this adds an extra dimension for exploring the drive textures, e.g. you can easily get very usable crunch tones by dialing down the gain control in the high channel, and likewise you can coax some heaviness by cranking up the gain control in the low channel. Despite the overlaps of the gain range, the two channels are tonally distinct and unique. Now combine that with the triple clipping mode selection and you get exceptionally wide ranging overdrive tones available on tap, and the dual channel / dual footswitch arrangement makes for fast and easy access of those tones. Key Features : -Dual Channel : Low and Med-High gain. -Independent Gain, Volume, and Clipping style control for each channel. -Flexible channel configuration via DIP Switch settings . -True Bypass. -Clickless footswitches. -Specifications : -Input impedance : 1M Ohm. -Output impedance : 10K Ohm. -Current consumption : ~40 mA. -Weight : 0.6 Kg (1.2 lbs). -Dimension : 12 (L) x 7.7 (W) x 5.5 (H) cm -Power source requirement : 9VDC (negative center). Bedienungsanleitung

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