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Yankee Power Supplies


Art.Nr. 1886

€ 289,00

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Yankee Power Supplies HS-M10

HS-M10 Ruf an - dann erkläre ich dir die Funktionen !! 0681-5898564 Yankee HS-M10 is a professional guitar effects power supply with 8 fully separated outputs. Manufactured by experienced specialists, HS-M10 is a combination of proffesional electronic solution and brilliant design. Yankee HS-M10 Power Supply features: ▪ 8 high current outputs in eight fully isolated sections ▪ AC output (9V or 12V) with 1300 mA max current that can also be used as 9V or 12V DC ▪ Switchable DC voltage on 4 outputs (9V, 12V, 15V, 18V and 24V DC) ▪ SAG output that can simulate dying battery (1V – 10V DC) ▪ USB output that can charge mobile device or power LED lamp to put some light on Your pedalboard ▪ All outputs fully isolated and compatible with pedals running on 9V DC ▪ Movable power socket (see pictures) ▪ Assembled in durable aluminium housing, using highest quality material providing safety and durability ▪ Powerfull, highest quality Toroidal Transformer ▪ Efficient voltage filters and stabilizers for perfect sound during whole performance ▪ Overheat and short circuit protection will always keep Your effects safe ▪ Fits under Pedal Train and can be easily attached to any pedalboard with screws Dimentions: 50mm x 188mm x 84mm Power input: switchable 230V/115V Output scheme: Section/Volltage/Max current draw I 9V or 12V AC 1300mA 9V DC 1300mA 12V DC 300mA II 9V or 12V DC 400mA III 9V DC 600mA 12V DC 600mA 22V DC 220mA 24V DC 120mA IV 9V DC 600mA 12V DC 550mA 15V DC 450mA 18V DC 330mA V – VII 9V DC 400mA VIII SAG 1V – 10V DC 400 mA IX 5V DC 1100 mA IMPORTANT! All DC outputs are 5,5 x 2,1mm barrel connectors, center negative. All AC outputs are 5,5 x 2,5mm barrel connectors. In each section only one output with one voltage setup can be used at a time. Max power of HS-M10 transformer is 30W. Use only 500mA fuse. The set includes: Yankee HS-M10 Power Supply Power cord Connection cables: 85 cm / 33,5 in – standard cable (5,5 x 2,1mm) – 2 pieces 50 cm / 20 in – standard cable (5,5 x 2,1mm) – 3 pieces 25 cm / 10 in – standard cable (5,5 x 2,1mm) – 2 pieces 50 cm / 20 in – cable (5,5 x 2,5mm) 10 cm / 4 in – mini-jack adapter 10 cm / 4 in – reversed polarity adapter 10 cm / 4 in – 5,5 x 2,5mm with reversed polarity adapter Splitting cable with 4 outputs (five outputs on one cable, every 30cm) USB diode lamp User Manual

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