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BMF Effects


Art.Nr. 1119

€ 359,00

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BMF Effects Wah

Wah Throaty and vocal with a wide sweep, the BMF Wah delivers classic tones with ease. Features include a switchable onboard buffer (designed for fuzz compatibility) and a quick-release circuit board mounting system. You can easily swap out the stock BMF board for a vintage flavor from the past! Spec Boards can be ordered from the Parts & Accessories page and the following spec boards are available - Derek Spec - Less "toppy" than the Stock Spec with even more low end and a more fluid, almost filter-like sweep. This is the Eric Clapton / Derek and The Dominos wah. Grey Spec - Reedy and bright, this is the early Jimmy Page/Led Zeppelin wah. Italian Spec - The classic wah sound! McClyde Spec - More vocal and a deeper low end than the Italian Spec. Say Waht? Spec - The best of all the spec boards rolled into one! The high end of the Italian Spec, the throatiness of the Stock Spec, and the sweep of the Derek Spec. Stock Spec - Throaty with more low end and a smoother sweep than the classic circuits. Woodstock Spec - Slightly smoother sweep, a little more vocal and slightly less “toppy” than the Clyde Spec. As with all BMF Effects pedals, the BMF Wah pedal features true bypass switching and a DC jack. Dimensions - 4.0" W x 10.0" L (101.6mm x 254mm) Bedienungsanleitung Benötigt: 9VDC 50mA Center Negativ

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