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Amptweaker TightDrive

TightDrive Testreport in Gitarre & Bass 09/2013; Seite 161-163 The Amptweaker™ name points toward the design goal of making products that allow the user to tweak their own amp tone. The TightDrive™ overdrive pedal is the first Amptweaker product, a gain pedal that features the TIGHT control. This tweaks the amp"s attack, and when combined with the Gain, Tone, and Volume controls, a lot of different distortion sounds are possible. It has the ability to dial in varying amounts of crunch, from barely clean singing blues tones, to crunchy rhythm sounds, all the way up to seriously overdriving your tube amp for tight chunky lead solos. Whether you"re using it with a clean amp or to beat up your heavy amp, this pedal has the range to handle the can even reduce the gain and tighten the attack to easily convert your heavy lead tone to a chunky rhythm sound. The biggest number of Product Idea submissions received were from people looking for overdrive and/or boost pedals that could provide tight low end. This led to the Tight Control, which allows you to adjust the amp"s attack, varying it from smooth and singing to chunky and aggressive attack. The Tone, Gain and Volume controls work pretty much like most other overdrive pedals. Another repeating theme heard over and over was multiple this led to the idea of adding an effects loop to the back so you can add whatever you want to this pedal. And there"s a Pre/Post button underneath the pedal so you can move that outboard effect to in front of or behind the TightDrive. When you bypass the TightDrive pedal, the other effect or effects will be bypassed as well. This feature is great if you want to further tweak the distortion tone with an EQ in front of or behind it, or to add compression, or a delay. Features: -True Bypass switch -Tight Attack Control -Gain, Tone, & Volume Controls -Effects Loop with Pre/Post switch..tracks On/Off Footswitch -LED lit knobs when using a power supply -Battery disconnect switch with red indicator -DC Adapter jack, standard 2.1mm X 5.5mm, center ground(-) -Magnetic Battery access door opens w/o tools -14Ga. Steel chassis -Handmade in the USA -11mA current consumption(battery) -26mA current consumption(9V power supply) -Dimensions 3.75"W X 5"D X 2"H User Manual

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